In the medieval residential tower in the heart of Samedan, changing exhibitions on crafts, design, architecture and housing development can be seen. The themes are designed together with curators; they are based specifically on the location and deal with the past, present and future in southern Graubünden. The aim is to reappraise the history and stories behind the built environment, to show how traditional crafts are practised in the region today, how contemporary design reinterprets the traditional and, finally, which ways of life, decisions and discourses have shaped and continue to shape the cultural landscape.
The exhibitions are aimed at locals and visitors, architecture enthusiasts and design fans, laypeople and experts alike. Accompanied by lectures, guided tours and excursions, the focus is on active and lively exchange. In the past, the 13th century tower served as a court, prison and archive. In 2010, it was renovated by Lazzarini Architekten / Samedan and converted into exhibition rooms.
Engadine Building Culture
A ray of light
The exhibition in the Tuor Samedan combines two special features of the Engadin: light and its building culture.